Friday, 14 August 2015

What's Happening

Information for Canberra Trip: Reminders
Monday 24th August- Friday 28th August

Accommodation: Capital Country Holiday Village.

Federal Highway
47 Bridges Road, Sutton Canberra NSW Australia 2620
PH:    (02) 62303433 Fax:  (02) 6230 3483

Teachers /Adults attending: Tim Aris , Paula Gaughan ,  Warrick Berg, Kate Braun, Kerri Gibson,  Chris Barker, Matthew Potter, Josephine Byrt  and  Marie Kyriakidis.

#Students assemble 6:45 -7:00am at PHPS Monday 24th August

#Coaches depart Monday 7:15am    Return: Approximately Friday 4:00pm

#All bedding is supplied. Students to bring 2 towels: One for showers and one for the swimming activity. (swimming cap and goggles: optional)

#Please adhere to luggage requirements. (As per information previously sent)

#Students / Adults to bring  their lunch / drinks /snacks and back-pack for the bus journey   (morning tea, lunch , afternoon tea)

#No Lollies to be taken on camp

# All medications / detailed medical plans need to be handed into Kate Braun  on Monday  morning.

#Students can bring cameras but NO OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES. (Eg: iPods, iPads, IPhones) 

                 Tim Aris (Canberra trip organiser)

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