Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Learning Focus

Earlier in the inquiry the 5/6 students had identified climate change as their top concern for the future. They soon found that they didn't understand the problems associated with climate change, especially what the greenhouse effect is. So we embarked on a project to find out what causes the greenhouse effect and what contributes to it becoming the human enhanced greenhouse effect. This lead to the students developing new understandings about their own contributions to the global problem of climate change.
The next step is for students to recognise areas of their life that consume the most energy and think of ways to reduce their energy consumption. They have begun to look at ecological footprint calculators, such as the following:
The students are now involved in creating their own ecological footprint calculator, drafting questions that will help them to achieve their own specific goals relating to their energy use.
The students have recently been given feedback on their efforts so far:
Remember these things:
  • Is your goal clearly measureable? If not, rewrite your goal, to make it measureable and clearly achievable, and make sure that your questions match up with your goal.
  • Answers to your questions should give you as much detail as possible, so instead of
    ‘very often/often/sometimes/rarely’ for how much time do you spend playing electronics, try ‘2-3 hours per day/1 hour per day/2-3 hours per week/1 hour per week ’
  • Your questions should relate strongly to your goal, so if your goal is to ride your bike more often, make sure that your questions focus on finding ways to do this.
The students have been encouraged to discuss this project and the development of their understandings with their families. The students are very keen to find ways to reduce their ecological footprints!

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