Friday 24 April 2015

What's Happening

Dear Parents/Carers,
Circus tickets for next week will be sent home today based on the ticket request form that was sent out a week ago. A special thank you to Marni, Tase, Eleonora and Flynn in Prep for their delightful ticket designs. Anyone who doesn't receive tickets today can see Julie in the office on Monday or Tuesday.
Numbers to the Tuesday performance, in particular, are extremely high, so we ask that anyone attending this performance night is a parent, grandparent or sibling. Children must not take seats until all adults are seated and any PHPS children who are not performing will need to be seated on the floor at the front of the gymnasium. All teachers will be actively supervising their home groups so supervision of children not performing needs to be met by parents please.
All performers must be dressed in black and they are encouraged to wear light footwear as these need to be stored by each home group teacher (logistically challenging!)
All performers need to be at school by 6:30 pm. I will email  information on drop off and pick up places for your child on Monday.
We encourage parents to be seated by 6.45pm to enjoy the pre-show entertainment. 

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