Thursday, 30 April 2015

What's Happening

Princes Hill Primary School
Year 5/6 exchange program with
October  and  November 2015

30th April 2015

Dear Parents/Carers,

School Council has been notified of the dates for the 2015 exchange program between Princes Hill Primary School and Po Leung Kuk Luk Hing Too Primary School in Hong Kong, with a three day visit to Luocun Shiyan Primary School, Foshan in mainland China.

Preparations are now underway for the program and we invite parents to attend an information sharing session on Wednesday 6 May at 5.15pm in 5/6 Neighbourhood to hear about the program.

Duration of the visit will be from Sunday 25th October until early morning return on Tuesday 3rd November.  [PLEASE NOTE: ARRIVAL BACK IN MELBOURNE IS ON MELBOURNE CUP DAY].  Three staff members will accompany the children. Students will be billeted with host families whilst in Hong Kong, and travel to Foshan, mainland China with their host sibling and teachers from both schools.  In Foshan the PHPS and PLKLHT buddies will be hosted by a Foshan student’s family for 2 nights.

The approximate cost will be $1,900 per child plus travel insurance [about $100] and $200 spending and excursion money, plus the visa for mainland China [about $60].

The children from PLK Luk Hing Too will arrive in Melbourne on Sunday 22nd November and stay with their exchange family until Monday 30th November for their part of the exchange.
Anne O’Sullivan

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

What's Happening

For those children who put in an expression of interest, we are now waiting for Somers Camp administration to confirm numbers for our school. As soon as this process has been finalised I will inform families as to whether a placement has been secured.

Friday, 24 April 2015

What's Happening

District Cross Country Trials

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the District Cross Country Trials on Thursday. The students all ran extremely well with a number of students coming in the top ten.  These students will go through to the next stage.


What's Happening

It's been a very busy week as we approach the circus performances next week.  The students have done extremely well with their preparations, in particular their singing. A big thank you to Deb for all her help and energy. We are looking forward to the show.  

In our Literacy focus this week our text focused on the workings of the water cycle.  The students analysed the text using a range of strategies including a KWL chart.  This consolidated the introduction to KWL charts from last week.  The students also looked at the structure of explanations and how data charts can be used to support their research. The importance of expanding their vocabulary is an ongoing focus, as is their spelling.  

What's Happening

Attention Grade 6 parents.

The Grade 6 student leaders are going to be presented with their leadership badges at next week's assembly (1st May). It would be great to see you there.

What's Happening

Dear Parents/Carers,
Circus tickets for next week will be sent home today based on the ticket request form that was sent out a week ago. A special thank you to Marni, Tase, Eleonora and Flynn in Prep for their delightful ticket designs. Anyone who doesn't receive tickets today can see Julie in the office on Monday or Tuesday.
Numbers to the Tuesday performance, in particular, are extremely high, so we ask that anyone attending this performance night is a parent, grandparent or sibling. Children must not take seats until all adults are seated and any PHPS children who are not performing will need to be seated on the floor at the front of the gymnasium. All teachers will be actively supervising their home groups so supervision of children not performing needs to be met by parents please.
All performers must be dressed in black and they are encouraged to wear light footwear as these need to be stored by each home group teacher (logistically challenging!)
All performers need to be at school by 6:30 pm. I will email  information on drop off and pick up places for your child on Monday.
We encourage parents to be seated by 6.45pm to enjoy the pre-show entertainment. 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

What's Happening

Princes Hill Secondary College will be holding a Grade 6 information evening for potential Year 7 enrollments for 2015.
This will be held on Wednesday the 29th April. There are two sessions, the first at 4:00pm and another at7:00pm.
There is no need to book through the school.
Kind regards, 
Princes Hill Secondary College

Friday, 17 April 2015

What's Happening

In our Literacy focus this week we took the concept of water and explored it with a range of activities. These activities included a reading, a spelling exploration, a grammar study and a word association task.  In each session the students were asked to focus on what they were learning and the intention of the task. The students were given time to reflect on their achievements at the end of each session.

Have a great weekend.

The 5/6 Team.

Action Required

Lord Somers Road, Somers, Victoria, 3927
Phone: 03 5983 5302 Fax: 03 5983 5950
ABN: 55 535 589 195

Dear Parents

Every two years our school is offered a limited number of places at the Department of Education and Training’s Somers School Camp. This year our allotted time is from 28th July until the 5th August 2015. It is a nine day commitment and as such I would ask that you only fill in the expression of interest form, if children can attend without concerns of sports or family commitments. Sunday is a day when visitors can attend from 12.00 – 2.30pm and again children must be able to return to their camp activities willingly after their family leaves.

Children who gain selection from our school will join with 160 Grade 5 and 6 children from our school district in this very special Outdoor Education and Personal Development program.

The camp has both indoor and outdoor activities all run by specialist permanent teaching staff with the assistance of nine local teachers who will accompany the children to and from the camp

The activities are mainly physical and outdoor and include High and Low Ropes Courses, Boating, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Challenge Swing and Initiative Activities which require a reasonable level of physical fitness. All children are also required to take part in the following activities: Archery, Art, Drama, Environmental Studies, Bush Cooking, Orienteering, Bike Education, Flying Fox, Bush Dancing, Disco Night, Singing and Diary Writing. Separate boys and girls living arrangements are provided but all activities are done in mixed groups.

The fee for the camp is $250.00 and must be paid in full before children can attend. The fee includes transport, accommodation, meals and pocket money.

This is a great camp and provides children with the opportunity to accept challenges, improve their self esteem, meet and mix with others from our local area, have fun and learn at the same time.

If you would like your Grade 5 or 6 child to attend please fill in the expression of interest form below and return it to Kerri Gibson by Monday 20th April .

Names will be selected at random however consideration of behaviour must be taken into account and attendance at any other camps during the year will also be considered.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school.


Kerri Gibson

What's Happening

Circus Medley
PHPS Devils Circus Performances 2015

Instrumental opening: In Dreams from the Lord of the Rings.

Performed on solo flute with strings accompaniment.

(snare drum link to singing. Tune of We're Going on a Bear Hunt chant)

B (5/6 singers)
(2 part)
We're going in            we're going in
We're going in            we're going in
We're going in the Circus

It's going to be            it's going to be
It's going to be            it's going to be
It's going to be a big one

We're not scared

'cause it's an
Eccelente, Bolognese, Super fino, simply crazy
go, go, go, go, go …
Kind of show.

C (5/6 Andrews Sisters choirette)
(Andrews Sister's tune Hold Tight)
So … Hold tight, hold tight,
Hold tight, hold tight
Burri - yacka- saki
We're the Circus Devils
With a trick surprise
For your own eyes

Hold tight, hold tight,
Hold tight, hold tight
Burri - yacka- saki
We're the Circus Devils
We're bright tonight
For your delight.

We do juggling
Sock poi too
Ribbons, scarves and minni hoops, Whoo!
Stick with us and we'll show you
Devil sticks, Diabolo Stew!

Hold tight, hold tight,
Hold tight, hold tight
Burri - yacka- saki
We're the Circus Devils
With a trick surprise
For your own eyes

Hold tight, hold tight,
Hold tight, hold tight
Burri - yacka- saki
We're the Circus Devils
We're bright tonight
For your delight.

D (Tutti 5/6 & 3/4)
(D.C.Partol to tune Pink Floyd Another Brick in the Wall)
Verse 1
We all need co-ordination
We all need motor control
Leave computers in the classroom
Leave your school books all at home
Hey Teachers, let's all Rock and Roll
All in all, we are the Devil Circus Patrol
All in all, we are the Devil Circus Patrol

Guitar Solo

Verse 2
We all need stunt commitment
We all need circus soul
Frizz your hair and get your blacks on
Fire the stage up, give your all
Hey Teachers, check what we can do!
All in all we are the Devil Circus Patrol

All in all we are the Devil Circus Patrol