Friday, 27 March 2015

What's Happening

The School Cross Country

A great day was had by the 5/6 students as they competed in the school cross country at Princes Park on Wednesday.  There were some fantastic results and a lot of determination.  

Learning Experiences

This week in Literacy

Our writing session focused on the structure of a persuasive text.  The areas discussed was the opening paragraph, topic sentences, elaborating on arguments and the concluding paragraph.   The function of the opening paragraph is to provide background information about the issue or problem and to also state the writer’s position on the issue. Topic sentences are used to introduce a paragraph.
Writers elaborate on arguments by providing the reader with examples, reasons and facts. The
concluding paragraph is used to restate the writer's position and to summarise the arguments.  It can also be used to offer possible solution to the issue or problem.

Our reading session also focused on the features of a persuasive text.  After reviewing an example text the students were given a text to analyse.  Their task was to identify the purpose of each paragraph, the main ideas and supporting arguments, the title and predict some of the key words which were missing from the text.  

Please discuss these ideas with your child.

The 5/6 Team 

Thursday, 26 March 2015

What's Happening

Tomorrow, assembly will run from 2:00 to 2:25pm, with final dismissal from neighbourhoods at 2:30pm.

The 5/6 students will be singing during tomorrow's assembly. They have been practising the following song with Deb Kayser, throughout this term:

My Island Home

Neil Murray/ v.4 Christine Anu
1. Six years I've been in the desert
And every night I dream of the sea.
They say home is where you find it.
Will this place ever satisfy me?
2. For I come from the salt water people.
We always live by the sea.
Now, I'm out here west of Alice Springs
With a wife and a family.
And my island home, my  island home,
My island home, is waiting for me.
In the evening when the dry wind blows
From the hills and across the plains
I close my eyes and I'm standing
In a boat on the sea again.
And i'm holding that long turtle spear,
And I feel I'm close now, to where it must be.
And my island home
is waiting for me.
3. My home is Australia.
We are bound by the sea.
Though I may travel far across the ocean
It will never forget me.

Friday, 20 March 2015

What's Happening

What's Happening

What's Happening

Circus practice is going well with clear improvements being made.

What's Happening

On Friday the 27th of March at 2:00pm we will have our final assembly for Term 1.  During this assembly all Junior School Council members will be presented with their badges.  This will be an important moment for our student leaders and parents are encouraged to attend.  

Learning Experiences

In Literacy this week we looked at the structure of narrative and persuasive texts.  With the persuasive text the students explored the purpose of paragraphs, in particular the opening and closing paragraph.   With the opening paragraph we looked at providing background information on the chosen topic, as well as the importance of stating the writer’s opinion.  
In the concluding paragraph we looked at the need to restate the writer’s position and how the issue could be resolved. 
Next term we will continue to work with these text types by exploring such things as topic sentences, supporting arguments and language features.    

This week we also looked at the main features to include when summarising a narrative such as plot, character traits, setting, the complication and the resolution.  The students needed to summarise their chosen text using only sixty-six words.  These words should capture the main ideas from the text. Some students also began creating a persuasive piece advertising a chosen novel.   

In Numeracy this week, the students have continued to consolidate their shape knowledge, classifying quadrilaterals, triangles and polygons. They have progressed to Stage Two within their Maths Projects, beginning to analyse the data they have collected about their daily mathematical activities. We worked collaboratively to develop a rubric to assess this new stage and have started developing a rubric for Stage 3, so that those students who are ready to can begin to present their projects to the neighbourhood next week, before they go on holidays!

Please take a careful look at the expectations for Stage Two of the My Mathematical Life Project:
Intention: To analyse the data we collected by looking for patterns.
Where to begin:
  1. Read over the data you have collected and look for patterns in your data.
  2. Which types of maths have you used repeatedly? Which types of maths have you not included?
  3. Why do you think you use certain types of maths more than others?
  4. Talk to your family, friends and teachers to help you think about the patterns.
Success Criteria: What will you need to do to be successful? How will you know you’ve exceeded the expectations, beyond what is expected?

Frequency and types of maths used
·         Highlighted the patterns I noticed, e.g. how many times have I used money?
·         Listed the types of maths I used most frequently?
·         Listed some of the types of maths I used least frequently or not at all?
·         Highlighted the patterns I noticed, e.g. how many times have I used money?
·         Described and interpreted the patterns I noticed, e.g. I use measurement skills mostly when I cook but not in other areas.
·         Listed the types of maths I used most frequently?
·         Presented the data showing the frequency and types of maths used in an appropriate way, e.g. in a graph.
·         Listed some of the types of maths I used least frequently or not at all?
·         Created some situations that will help me to include more maths in my daily life, e.g. asking my parents if I can do some more cooking.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Learning Experiences

The 5/6 students have started using a free version of Studyladder, an online educational program which allows students to learn at their own pace. Studyladder is a web based educational program designed by teachers. Students have been given a username and password which can be used to access Studyladder. Regular access at home will help students reinforce what they have been taught in school. It will also help to build their confidence through practice.

Students will NOT be able to chat with anyone using Studyladder. However, we still encourage you to supervise your child at all times when using the internet.

To log on simply go to and login using your child’s school username and password. The free version allows students to access tasks set by their teacher (it is optional for parents to upgrade if they wish to give their child unlimited home access). As a parent you can join Studyladder for free if you wish to monitor your child’s progress.

If you have any questions please contact your child's teacher or email

Friday, 13 March 2015

Learning Experiences


This week the students were introduced to three provocations.  These promoted deeper thinking about how groups use specific language and the different ways we can communicate.  

Inquiry Provocation

Numeracy Provocation

Literacy Provocation

Have a fantastic weekend.

The 5/6 Team

Learning Experiences

In our Literacy workshops this week we developed a deeper understanding of prediction strategies.  As readers we use headings, titles, key words, visuals and our prior knowledge to predict what information is contained in a text.  By accessing their prior knowledge, students make a deeper connection with the text.  The text we used this week focused on gravity.  This followed on from the discussion in last week's workshop about data charts.

The students also reviewed how settings are created in a narrative, with a specific focus on the use of adverbs and adverbial phrases. Adverbs and adverbial phrases help provide the details about where and how the action takes place.  This will lead into more narrative writing next week.  

Thursday, 12 March 2015

What's Happening

What's Happening

Circus Performances

The celebration of the circus provocation as part of our inquiries around ideas of creativity will be held in term two. The school has been divided into two groups to perform on the following evenings;

Group A: Tuesday 28th April

Group B: Wednesday 29th April

Time: 7.00 – 8.30pm

Venue: Gymnasium

Costumes will be provided, but we ask that children wear black or dark clothing under these. We also request that children come to the show with ‘crazy hair’.


Prep M
Prep E
Prep H

Friday, 6 March 2015

Learning Experiences

In our Literacy workshops this week we focused on character traits and the use of data charts.  The character traits workshop was introduced with a short passage which the students responded to by describing the character.  We then looked at character maps and how they can be used to think about the different aspects of a character.  After generating their own adjective list the students then began describing their own character.

The focus of the data chart session was to increase the effectiveness of the students’ note-taking skills.  The students were shown how we read for specific information and then record this under headings that they had generated. The data charts included their prior knowledge.  This session will assist in future research.    

Have a great long weekend!

The 5/6 Team

Learning Experiences


Intention: To observe and record all of the maths that I use, observe or think about in my daily life.

Where to begin:

  1. Work out how you’re going to record, for example, use a pocket-sized notebook.
  2. Start to notice and record the maths that you use, observe or think about.
  3. Talk to your family, friends and teachers throughout.

Success Criteria: S = You have been successful in completing this stage of the project. EE = You have exceeded the expectations.


Frequency – How often shall I record?
Presentation – How shall I record?
Conceptual Focus – What shall I record?
Record at least 5 times per day, over a week.
Record observations from home and school
Include date and time for each recording.
Neat and legible, so that others can read it and understand it.
Choose at least 3 different ways of recording, e.g. drawing, explanation, equation, graph, tally chart, etc.
Include at least 3 different mathematical concepts or as many as possible, e.g. shape, measurement, money, estimation, time, etc.
Record at least 10 times per day, over a week.
Record observations from home,  school and anywhere else (e.g. after school sporting activities, shopping, holidays, etc)
Include date and time for each recording.
Neat and legible, so that others can read it and understand it.
Choose a variety of different ways (3+) to record, e.g. drawing, explanation, equation, graph, tally chart, etc.
Keep track of things that you do multiple times in a day, picking up on patterns.
Include 5 or more different mathematical concepts or as many as possible, e.g. shape, measurement, money, estimation, time, etc.

Learning Experiences

Deb Kayser has begun taking the 5/6 students for a half hour of music each week, every Thursday morning. This week she introduced the song, 'My Island Home' by the Warumpi Band. The students are encouraged to take a look at the clip and to also compare it to Christine Anu's version.

This song relates nicely to our inquiry into concepts of identity, community and collaboration. Happy listening and singing!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

What's Happening

Interschool sport starts on the 7th of May and runs for seven afternoons from 12.30 to 3.30. We need help from parents to conduct this. If you can spare some time and hopefully commit for the seven afternoons, we'd love to have you come along and assist. Please talk to one of the 5/6 teachers or Geoff if you can help, Cheers!

Action Required - Canberra Camp Expression of Interest Form

All parents are reminded to return the green expression of interest form about the upcoming Canberra camp by Monday 16th March.  If your child will be attending please enclose a deposit of $100.

Thank you for your assistance.

The 5/6 Team

2015 Princes Hill Gardening Club

If you are a green thumb or are simply interested in gardening, the Princes Hill Gardening Club needs you.  The proposed time is Friday mornings.  If you are interested please contact Warrick in the 5/6 neighbourhood or Julie at the office.  Thank you.